Emily Kicklighter is a theatrically trained actress and writer who started her health journey as a yoga instructor in Brooklyn, NY, in 2010. Over the years she's taught yoga, meditation, Tai chi, spinning, water aerobics, diabetes prevention, and coached Livestrong Cancer Survivors at the YMCA's of Western North Carolina.
After a traumatic bicycling accident pushed her back toward her first love of Acting, she earned an MFA in Theatre from the University of TN, Knoxville, in 2018. She then moved back to Kentucky to start a family with her incredible husband, Jacob, and after a couple of complicated (beautifully successful) pregnancies and an even more complicated global pandemic, she got her MAT in secondary education from Spalding University.
Teaching in the public high schools was immensely fulfilling at times. And immensely stressful at others. For years she ignored a niggling feeling that she wasn't exactly living her life's purpose, and in February of 2024, she was diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer.
With a 2 and 4 year-old at home, she decided that in order to heal, she would dedicate the rest of her life to studying cancer and do everything in her power to become an outlier with late-stage disease. Thankfully, she found the work of Radical Remission, and the rest is history. She is beyond grateful to currently enjoy great health and has found the most delightful life purpose that combines all of her passions of story-telling, literacy, and health and wellness.
The Radical Remission Multimodal Intervention (RRMI) was developed by Kelly A. Turner, PhD, after analyzing more than 1500 cases of cancer survivors experiencing radical remission (a.k.a. spontaneous regression) across all cancer types and extracting key lifestyle factors shared by these cancer survivors. The RRMI workshops provide instruction on these lifestyle factors to participants with cancer and give them tools to help navigate their cancer recovery journey. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the effect of the RRMI on the quality of life (QOL) of people with cancer.
After a traumatic bicycling accident pushed her back toward her first love of Acting, she earned an MFA in Theatre from the University of TN, Knoxville, in 2018. She then moved back to Kentucky to start a family with her incredible husband, Jacob, and after a couple of complicated (beautifully successful) pregnancies and an even more complicated global pandemic, she got her MAT in secondary education from Spalding University.
Teaching in the public high schools was immensely fulfilling at times. And immensely stressful at others. For years she ignored a niggling feeling that she wasn't exactly living her life's purpose, and in February of 2024, she was diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer.
With a 2 and 4 year-old at home, she decided that in order to heal, she would dedicate the rest of her life to studying cancer and do everything in her power to become an outlier with late-stage disease. Thankfully, she found the work of Radical Remission, and the rest is history. She is beyond grateful to currently enjoy great health and has found the most delightful life purpose that combines all of her passions of story-telling, literacy, and health and wellness.
The Radical Remission Multimodal Intervention (RRMI) was developed by Kelly A. Turner, PhD, after analyzing more than 1500 cases of cancer survivors experiencing radical remission (a.k.a. spontaneous regression) across all cancer types and extracting key lifestyle factors shared by these cancer survivors. The RRMI workshops provide instruction on these lifestyle factors to participants with cancer and give them tools to help navigate their cancer recovery journey. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the effect of the RRMI on the quality of life (QOL) of people with cancer.